I thought I’d write a quick tutorial on making and uploading a favicon to Squarespace for those of you who have a Squarespace site.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, a favicon is the little website icon on your web browser’s tab; usually a company’s logo or a version of it. So on my website it looks like this:
If you have a Squarespace site and your favicon looks more like the black cube at the top of this post, why not create an icon to give your site a more professional look?
Log in to Squarespace and go to your domain.squarespace.com/config/ page.
Click on ‘Design’, then ‘Logo & Title’.
Scroll down to ‘Browser Icon (Favicon)’.
Next, open up Photoshop and create a new file. Favicons are typically displayed online at 8px X 8px or 16px X 16px, but you can create your favicon at 100px X 100px and Squarespace will resize it. This larger size might help you in the design stage.
You can see here how pixelated mine looks, but don’t worry, it won’t look like this once on your site.
Once you’re happy with your design (the simpler the better as it’s going to be displayed so small!) then export as a PNG file.
Go back to Squarespace and upload your new favicon!
If you need help, advice or simply for someone to create your favicon for you, feel free to get in touch with me through my contact page.